
Our Research

At the Judy Dan Research and Treatment Centre, we have participated in studies on:

Effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen therapy in healing diabetic wounds and preventing amputations.
Detection and identification of bacteria in wounds using auto-flourescense and imaging.


Save a Leg

Save a Life.

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can expedite the healing of certain types of chronic, non-healing wounds, such as diabetic wounds, as well as reduce patient suffering, disability and prevent unnecessary hospitalizations and amputations.

Hyperbaric Oxygen
Therapy (HBOT):
How it works

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) involves administering 100% oxygen to patients in a specially constructed chamber. The atmospheric pressure is increased two to three times normal for 90 minutes per session. This has the effect of:

  • Increasing vastly the oxygen concentration of the patient’s blood.
  • Saturating the wound with oxygen.
  • Enabling cells to function that fight infection and repair wounds.


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If you wish to help support our work, or sponsor a patient’s treatment, please contact us.

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To Book An Appointment

Please inform the medical staff that you wish to be seen for a Consultation.

The initial assessment will take approximately an hour.

To Book An Appointment